 Results / Reports

Learn from our expierience and realize measures following our instructions.

copyright 2002 by the ARTS Consortium. ARTS is a project within the fifth framework programme of the European Union - competitive and sustainal growth.

ARTS (Actions on the integration of Rural Transport Services)
is a project within the fifth framework programme of the European Union - competitive and sustainable growth.

We test and demonstrate the most effective ways of providing rural transport services and, consequently, produce a set of recommendations to serve as a guide for the planning and implementation of rural transport systems. This goal will be achieved principally with the help of demonstration and research programmes that will cover 8 experiences.


The project will evolve through three specific phases:

· Phase I. Identification of barriers to overcome (WP3):
this stage is directed towards the identification of barriers of the individual countries at national, regional and local level.

· Phase II. Demonstration development (WP4):
This stage will focus exclusively on the preparation and development of the demonstrations. The large body and variety of experiences in rural transport across the EU justify the inclusion of a comprehensive number of 8 demonstrations. The demonstrations will include all the areas of interest referred to in the Task description. The proposed demonstrations are supported by a strong commitment from Authorities, Transport Operators and other Agencies, forming operational Local Boards. At the same time, the demonstrations have been selected based on their feasibility. The demonstrations will be conducted in accordance with guidance produced in WP2, in order to ensure that the process may be replicated in future and that transferable elements of thedemonstrations may be identified.

· Phase III. Evaluation and transferability (WP5, WP6,):
During this phase, the results of the demonstrations will be evaluated from the perspective of the effectiveness in obtaining the desired project objectives. During the entire demonstration process, evaluation will be conducted to identify the expected, estimated and actual impact of the measures (to be) implemented. The demonstration and evaluation partners will monitor the impact through the lifecycle of the demonstrations to check which of these are (most likely to be) met and which are most readily transferable. Cross-site analysis will be a critical activity in order to compare results and to test its transferability to other experiences.
The Consortium will dedicate a great deal of effort to achieving results, which are transferable to the Consortium member countries, as well as to countries across Eastern Europe and beyond.
Transferability analysis will be undertaken in WP6, not only at a National-Regional level but also paying attention to the potential transferability of findings into specific experiences.